What Funraise's Growth Stats Mean for Your Nonprofit

Explaining Growth Statistics: What All Those Numbers Mean for Your Nonprofit

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May 8, 2023
4 minutes
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It’s all well and good to talk about how the right technology can help your nonprofit reduce health disparities, offset carbon emissions, rescue more llamas, or otherwise change the world for the better. But how do you know that investment will pay off? In other words, how do you know those donor-friendly, innovative features will lead to more donors, more revenue, and, above all else, more impact?

Numbers never lie, so we’re taking a moment to showcase Funraise’s latest and greatest growth statistics—and share the stories of nonprofits who are doing amazing, world-changing things thanks to their new technology superpowers.

Where did these numbers come from?

Before we get into the stories and stats themselves, you might be wondering where we got these fantastic figures. We compared average growth performance on Funraise between 2019, 2020, and 2021 in four key areas: online revenue growth, recurring revenue growth, average recurring donation size, and average amount raised by peer-to-peer fundraisers. For several metrics, we’ve compared Funraise statistics with benchmarks as reported by M+R and P2P Forum for the same time period.


2020 threw a wrench into every nonprofit’s fundraising gears, no matter how finely tuned. But our Funraise customers knew that a global pandemic was no excuse to slow down—after all, they were needed now more than ever. They were determined to make lemonade out of lemons and cronuts out of kale (yeah, they’re that good), and we were eager to be a part of their journey.

In 2020, organizations using Funraise grew online revenue 77% on average.

That means that Funraise customers that collected online donations in three consecutive years (in this case, 2018, 2019, and 2020), the average year-over-year growth of online revenue in 2020 was 77%. For our friends at the Innocence Project, which seeks to exonerate innocent people, that meant $10 million in onlnie donations, from 70,000 individual donors, in their first 16 months with Funraise.

Additionally, Funraise nonprofits grew recurring revenue 53% on average.

In fact, Action Against Hunger (AAH), a humanitarian aid organization, saw a 78% increase in conversion after implementing Funraise’s pop-up donation forms. “The flexibility with the Funraise forms and our ability to embed them anywhere on our site has been a great value add for us,” affirms Andrew Chappell, AAH’s digital lead.

And, the average monthly gift for nonprofits using Funraise was double the industry average.

In other words, our amazing nonprofit friends received an average monthly gift of $40, while the average monthly nonprofit donation was $21 in 2020. One Tail at a Time, which connects animals in need with loving foster parents, witnessed the power of Funraise’s recurring donation tools when they increased their recurring program membership by 1000% from 2016 to 2020. More importantly, they rescued 88% more animals in 2020 than in 2019.

Just one more, while we’re at it: In 2020, the average P2P fundraiser on Funraise raised double the average of top P2P programs.

That means that, on average, P2P fundraisers on Funraise raised $1,220, double the amount of top P2P programs.


“Sure,” you might be thinking. “Those results are incredible, but 2020 was an anomaly. A blip. We were all miserable, so we all showed up.” And that’s true: If 2020 was spontaneous combustion, 2021 was the slow burn afterward. As the world reopened, we all settled into our precarious new normal. Here at Funraise, we embraced a changed world. And we watched in awe as our customers and communities reconnected and rallied, showing up with an intention to build back better and stronger than before. And, as you’ll see, they succeeded.

In 2021, organizations using Funraise grew online revenue 3x faster than the industry average.

That’s 73% growth year-over-year on average. Plus, Funraise nonprofits grew recurring revenue by 52% year-over-year on average. For Because Justice Matters, which supports women in urban communities, Funraise’s recurring giving features led to 128% growth in recurring giving in their first full year with us. "Overall, we have outperformed our fundraising goals year over year since using Funraise,” says Sonja Schappert, their Operations Director.

That same year, Funraise’s donation form had a 50% donation conversion rate.

That means that half of all site visitors who interacted with a Funraise donation form in 2021 completed a donation. DigDeep, a long-time Funraise client that provides families across the country with clean water, raised $190k for World Water Day in 2021, surpassing their goal (which was double their 2020 goal!) by $10k. Since they first joined us, DigDeep has raised over $11.5 million with Funraise.

Finally, the P2P fundraising momentum continued, with the average fundraiser raising two times the P2P average.

And, organizations saw an 83% increase in the amount raised when they used our Facebook integration. For the Cupcake Girls, a nonprofit that fights sex trafficking, that meant a 386% increase in online peer-to-peer revenue. "Our clients show up and do hard things every single day, so it's an honor to invite our entire team and community to show up for them to raise funding which is essential in meeting every need without condition. Funraise provides a peer-to-peer experience that makes it personalized and engaging,” says Joy Hoover, The Cupcake Girls’ CEO.

Funraise organizations continue to smash records and outpace industry standards across the board. No matter what happens in the larger world, they’re making it better and brighter by the day—and that’s something you can count on.

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