Fundraising intelligence icon.
Fundraising Intelligence

Nonprofit Fundraising Dashboards & Reports

Reveal intelligent insights into nonprofit sustainability and growth. Make smart fundraising decisions with smart fundraising data.
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AI Fundraising Intelligence

Experience a new era in fundraising reporting. Today's data reveals both past and future.

Trending up icon.
AI  Forecasting
Forecast donation revenue and new donor activity using AI models powered by your past performance.
AI icon.
AI Explanations
Understand the logic supporting your data and unearth new strategies with AI data explanations.
Notification icon.
Data Alerts
Receive automatic email or Slack alerts for revenue thresholds and performance anomaly detections.
Stories icon.
Report Templates
Stop building the same reports over and over! Save time and do more with ready-made reports built by fundraising experts.
New to Intelligence?

Welcome to Fundraising Intelligence

The most advanced configurable nonprofit data reports. The most valuable toolkit for data-driven strategies. The intelligent fundraising platform you need.
    Nonprofit data dashboards

    Visualize donor and donation trends at a glance

    Identify success stories and pain points with configurable charts, graphs, and diagrams. Discover how to maximize what's working and minimize fundraising flops in realtime.
      AI trend forecasting

      Predict the future with forecasts powered by AI

      Forecast donation revenue and donor activity with AI models informed by past performance.
        Nonprofit report library

        Access templates of the most common nonprofit reports

        Stop building and re-building the same reports. Step up your reporting game with time-saving report templates built by fundraising experts.
          Custom nonprofit reports

          Reporting without limits

          Build completely custom fundraising reports and dashboards with cross-object reporting, formula libraries, conditional formatting, and more.
            AI Explanations

            Let AI explain key points in your fundraising

            What's The Why underneath your data? Uncover unexpected patterns contributing to growth or decline in your fundraising performance.
              Nonprofit reporting features

              AI that delivers everything from pre-built fundraising reports to donation trend forecasting

              Scheduled reports
              Send pre-scheduled PDF reports to your board via email or set up automatic reporting for your team.
              AI explanations
              Forecast donation revenue and new donor activity with AI models powered by your past performance.
              Custom formulas
              Build custom formulas to support highly specific and strategic reports without having to export any data.
              Conditional formatting
              Increase legibility of reports and highlight important details with custom conditional formatting.
              Manage permissions
              Keep data secure by controlling access to and editing permissions for each report.
              Cross-object reporting
              Create complex cross-object reports that balance donors, donations, fundraising pages, registrations, and more.
              Export to CSV & PDF
              Turn any dashboard into a beautifully-formatted, exportable donation report PDF to share with your team or use in presentations.
              Robust report library
              Save time and step up your reporting game by using ready-made reports built by fundraising experts.
              Get a demo

              See Fundraising Intelligence in action—live.

              Peek into amazing insights and endless opportunities with powerful Fundraising Intelligence.
              Mobile phone with nonprofit donation form with various nonprofit reporting charts floating around.