The phone rings. You freeze. It rings again. A wave of abject terror washes over you. Do you pick it up? Do you let it go to voicemail, which means (gulp) you’ll need to … listen to a voicemail? It stops. You’re fine. You take a steadying breath and sip your coffee. Next time, maybe, hopefully, they’ll send a text.
We’ve all been there, friend! We’re living in an era when most of us prefer texting to talking, emailing, or grabbing a two-hour coffee. That’s why text engagement should be a key part of your organization’s effective fundraising strategy. After all, 97% of Americans now own some kind of mobile device (Pew Research). And if that isn’t incentive enough, SMS messages have a 98% open rate compared to emails, which are clicked and opened just 18% of the time (Twilio).
If you’re pumped to get in on the text-to-give fundraising game, you might be wondering what comes next. After all, we receive A LOT of “Cathy, can we count on you to contribute quickly?” texts on a near-daily basis, and you want to differentiate yourself! Here are some ideas to incorporate text engagement into your multichannel fundraising strategy for a connected, efficient, and inspired year ahead.

- Host a raffle. The next time you get your hands on a truly one-of-a-kind item or VIP experience, don’t let it blend into the background at your upcoming event. Instead, let all your attendees know that they can text RAFFLE to your number to get a link to a sign-up page. There, they’ll receive a bonus entry as thanks for their text engagement.
- Connect with your target audience. For younger potential donors, texting is a way of life. Text a personalized thank you to your millennial and Gen Z donor database with a link to a thank you TikTok. You’re so hip it hurts!
- Promote your best auction items. Leading up to your next auction, advertise your biggest and best items by sending a short, tantalizing description at key times with a link to view photos. We’re picturing a rainy Tuesday at 2:00 PM, when suddenly, your network gets a text that they can win a getaway to Fiji!! Want a dose of escapism? Text WARM to view those gently swaying palm trees, those glasses of coconut milk sweating in the sun, that shimmering pool … Maybe they want to bid early?
- Reward recurring giving. Looking for a way to encourage folks to give monthly? Incentivize joining the Cool Kids’ Club by texting supporters a link to get a one-of-a-kind T-shirt when they sign up for recurring giving (or when they donate $X+) on a mobile donation form.
- Give a shout-out. If you’re doing a 24-hour text-to-give campaign, use texts to shout out major gifts or new pledges as well as any benefits those folks are collecting or direct impact your constituents will receive. It might inspire others to join in on the fun! (Just remember not to go overboard … no one wants an update every 15 minutes!)
- Make event registration easy. Streamline the check-in process by sending attendees a link to your check-in page on the big day-of. And if you have two-way text engagement capabilities, you can set them up to check in right on their phones. Bonus! Don't forget the appeal for donations on a slick online donation form.
- Support P2P fundraising efforts. Rally your peer-to-peer fundraisers by sending each person (or team) a special code that leads directly to their very own P2P page.
- Build team spirit. The next time you hold a race or walk-a-thon, set your participants up for a warm-’n’-fuzzy post-event experience. By texting RACE to your nonprofit’s number, they’ll receive a link where they can access a photo of them crossing the finish line in a blaze of glory.
- Foster some healthy competition. One more P2P text engagement nugget: P2P fundraisers can text WINNING to your number and get a link that leads them to the real-time top P2P fundraisers and fundraising teams. Then, they know how much they have to raise to kick the other fundraisers' generous butts.
- Sell limited-edition merch. If your nonprofit has an e-commerce shop, offer a limited-edition shirt, tote, or scented candle that’s only available to the chosen few (AKA those who text EXCLUSIVE to get a link to your limited-edition merch). You can also advertise flash sales by asking supporters to text FLASH to shop your store at 50% off.
- Send reminders. Once someone has committed to attending a rally, volunteering at your annual event, or attending a luncheon, texting is the perfect medium to follow up and send a quick reminder. After all, we all lead busy lives! If you have an upcoming event page, you can include a link in your text to ensure access to all the necessary details.
- Keep folks updated. If you work in an industry where the news changes quickly, direct your supporters to the latest must-know headlines. By texting UPDATES to your number, they can go directly to your news page and read all about it.
- Give to a specific cause. Personalize the giving experience with keywords that resonate. That way, supporters can text the name of a constituent and get a link to a mobile-friendly donation page that donates directly to programs benefitting that constituent. For example, texting SIRFLUFF goes directly to Sir Fluff the Pitbull’s surgery campaign.
More mobile fundraising ideas!
14. Launch a text-based scavenger hunt. Create an engaging city-wide scavenger hunt where participants text in codes found at various locations. Each completed task earns them points and unlocks donation opportunities for your cause.
15. Offer text-to-vote SMS campaigns. Let supporters text their votes for different projects or initiatives your nonprofit is considering. Each vote could be tied to a small nonprofit donation, engaging modern donors in decision-making while raising funds.
16. Create a text-based trivia night. Host a virtual trivia night where participants receive questions via text. Correct answers earn points, and players can give via a mobile donation form to "buy" hints or extra lives.
17. Implement a "Text-a-Tree" SMS fundraising campaign. For environmental nonprofits, allow supporters to text TREE to plant a virtual tree. Each text triggers a small donation amount, with updates on the virtual forest's growth sent periodically.
18. Create "Text-to-Reveal" text-to-give campaigns. Tease a big announcement or celebrity endorsement, allowing supporters to text in small mobile donations to gradually reveal parts of the message or image.
19. Launch a "Daily Dose of Good" text series. Subscribers receive a daily inspiring story or fact related to your cause. Include donation links to make a generous donation if the message resonates with them. Send a cute llama or sloth picture for even more engagement!
20. Implement a "Text-to-Match" challenge. During specific timeframes, announce that all nonprofit donations made via text will be matched by a sponsor. This creates urgency and encourages immediate action.
21. Start a text wishlist program. For organizations helping individuals, allow supporters to text WISH to receive information about a specific need. They can then choose to fulfill that wish through a targeted donation. Like an Amazon Wishlist living in their phone!
22. Launch a textathon takeover. Assign each volunteer a day to "takeover" your organization's texting. They reach out to their network, sharing personal stories and fundraising appeals. Supporters can text TAKEOVER to sign up as a volunteer or GIVE to donate to the day's featured fundraiser.
Ideas to use text to upgrade busy donors to recurring members
Here are even more new ideas for fundraising success through text messaging, focusing on upgrading one-time or first-time donors to recurring donors:
23. Launch "Text-to-Sustain" text-to-donate campaigns. After a one-time donation, send a follow-up text highlighting the ongoing need. Invite busy donors to text SUSTAIN to easily convert their gift into a monthly commitment, emphasizing the long-term impact.
24. Create a monthly milestone text series. For average donors, send monthly texts showcasing what their donation could achieve if given regularly. Include a simple "Reply YES to make this impact every month" call-to-action.
25. Implement a storytexter program. Send monthly texts featuring stories of individuals helped by your organization. End with "Text MONTHLY to ensure more stories like this," encouraging recurring support.
26. Offer a "Double Impact" text challenge. Text one-time or first-time donors that a sponsor will match their gift if they commit to monthly giving. Prompt them to text DOUBLE to upgrade their support and maximize their impact.
27. Celebrate your donors' textversary. On the anniversary of a one-time gift, send a text thanking the donor and highlighting the year's accomplishments. Include an option to text YEARLY to make it an annual tradition.
28. Promise no more texts. If a donor signs up for your monthly giving program, you won't text them any more. Essentially, they're buying your silence.
Event + Text-to-give fundraising ideas
Here are still more new ideas for nonprofit fundraising strategies through text messaging, focusing on fundraising events and auctions:
29. Promote text-to-bid auctions. Host a silent auction where participants can text their bids on items. Send real-time updates to bidders when they are outbid, encouraging them to increase their offers and keep the competition lively.
30. Countdown to your event through text. Build excitement for your annual fundraising event by sending countdown texts leading up to the day. Include sneak peeks of auction items or special guests to entice attendees and boost ticket sales.
31. Offer TVIP Access. Offer exclusive early access to event tickets or auction items for those who text VIP to your number. This creates a sense of exclusivity and urgency among your supporters.
32. Provide live event updates. During fundraising events, send text updates on donation progress, encouraging attendees to contribute more by highlighting how close you are to reaching your goal.
33. Send Thank-You texts post-event. After the event, send personalized thank-you texts to attendees to create stronger donor relationships, including a recap of the event's success and how their contributions will make an impact.
34. Plan text-to-donate challenges. During events, set up donation challenges where attendees can text DONATE followed by their amount to participate in live giving competitions, fostering a fun and competitive atmosphere.
With all that text engagement inspo, we’re sure you want to stop reading and start typing! You can read all about Funraise’s Text Engagement features here. Now go forth and text for success!
SMS fundraising strategy FAQ
What is a good text message for effective fundraising?
A good fundraising text message is concise, emotionally compelling, and includes a clear call to action. Some extra-impact tips are: highlight the impact of annual donations, personalize the message with the donor name, and express urgency. Don't forget to identify your nonprofit organization and get straight to the point!
How do I send a fundraising text?
To send a fundraising text, choose a reliable text-to-give fundraising platform like Funraise, craft a concise and engaging message, and include a clear call-to-action with a donation link or keyword. Bonus points for segmenting your audience for personalized messaging, scheduling the text at optimal times, using AI-generated links with machine learning, and ensuring compliance with regulations like opt-in requirements.
How to encourage donations through SMS text messaging?
Although text messages are short, you can still encourage donations by sharing compelling stories of impact, offering matching gift opportunities, and using clear calls to action. Consider personalizing appeals based on donor engagement, creating urgency with deadlines or challenges, and expressing gratitude.
How can I ensure data security in SMS fundraising efforts?
Ensure data security in your SMS fundraising campaigns by using a fundraising platform like Funraise that prioritizes encryption and compliance with regulations like GDPR or CCPA. Implement secure payment gateways, regularly update software to protect against vulnerabilities, and educate your nonprofit's staff on data protection practices to safeguard donor information.
Is text-to-give a safe fundraising channel?
Heck yeah! Text-to-give is generally safe when using effective text-to-give platforms that comply with industry standards for data security and privacy, ahem, Funraise. Funraise's fundraising platform employs encryption and secure payment processing to protect potential donor information. No matter which text-to-donate platform you choose, always verify the donation platform's credentials and ensure it adheres to relevant regulatory requirements for added safety.