50+ Fundraising Ideas During Covid + Socially Distanced Ideas

A bright white covid virus faces off with the viewer while being backed up by its covid virus buddies. All on a bright blue background. You think you're safe, but you're never safe from covid.
January 30, 2022
14 minutes
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It’s been a long, loooong couple of years. But while none of us thought we’d still be talking about COVID every 10 minutes in 2022, here we are. In the big wide world of fundraising, we’ve all learned to pivot, adapt, and keep on trucking with plenty of fundraising ideas during COVID. Sure, we’ve forgotten how to make eye contact in person, but on the upside, we have a great new athleisure wardrobe.

Honestly, we have no idea what to expect in the year ahead. But we do know that for the foreseeable future, we need to put a little space between us and our supporters—which means it’s COVID-safe fundraisers for all of us. Chances are we’re all a little short on socially-distanced fundraiser inspiration, so we’re here today with a bajillion and one COVID-approved fundraising ideas and events. Check ‘em out below.

The 50 best fundraising ideas during COVID

If you know what you’re looking for, you can skip ahead to various COVID fundraising ideas by clicking on the links below. Or feel free to peruse our best COVID fundraisers at your leisure and see when inspiration strikes!

Our favorite fundraiser ideas during covid

Let’s start with the cream of the crop, IOHO (in our humble opinion). Here are some of our fav fundraising ideas to get those creative juices flowing.

1. Virtual gala and auction

It’s a classic for a reason! A virtual gala gives your supporters an excuse to dress up (at least from the waist up), give big, and shop for a good cause with an online auction. Set an aggressive fundraising goal, share the news far and wide, and make sure your messaging’s on point. You can go big and bold, or follow LiNK's example with video clips and a virtual auction—no livestreaming required.

Oh, and here's your quick reminder that Funraise is your go-to nonprofit event ticketing software :)

Wait, we've been struck by inspiration: What if you held a virtual gala on Galentine's Day? It's, like, obvious, right? A Virtual GALAntine's Celebration!

2. Trivia night

Who doesn’t love a chance to show off the fact they know that peanuts are used to make dynamite or a cloud weighs 1.1 million pounds on average? (Do you think we’re super smart now?) A trivia fundraiser is a good time and cheap—plus it’s a great opportunity to throw in a few fun facts about your industry and bring some new supporters to your cause.

Maybe put it in reverse? For every question the participants get wrong, they donate $1. Which means... make the questions super difficult!

3. Virtual wine and cheese tasting

We could all use a drink and a lot of cheese after the past two years. You can partner with local businesses (shop small!) to ship supporters the supplies for a tasting, or you can have people sign up for designated time slots to pick up their tasting kits. The only other thing you need is a sommelier and cheesemonger to talk people through each pairing—and a very stretchy pair of pants.

...Realizing you don't have a sommelier at the ready and the only cheesemonger you know is actually a "Cheez Whiz" monger? Write out the pairing notes ahead of time and include them in the package or just play all the roles yourself. There will never be a more legit reason to eat wine and cheese, we promise.

Easy fundraiser ideas during COVID

Maybe you’re short on time; maybe you just don’t have the energy. We’re not here to judge. If you need some stress-free easy fundraiser ideas during COVID, we’ve got you covered.

4. Virtual baking lessons

Remember when we were all making banana bread constantly and there was a shortage of flour? Happily, there’s plenty of flour now, and hosting a virtual bake-along is an easy-peasy fundraising opportunity. Just partner with a baker, email out the recipe(s), schedule the Zoom call, and get cooking! If you want to get a little fancy, you can charge an extra small fee and send attendees any specialty ingredients beforehand.

5. Movie night

When you can’t come to the movie theater, have the movie theater come to you! For this easy fundraising idea, sell tickets to an at-home movie night. You can choose a movie associated with your cause or let attendees vote (for a small donation, of course) ahead of time. Just link to your donation page or crowdfunding page, and sit back for a relaxed night of fundraising. Additionally, you can sell movie snack packs in advance. And if you want to build community engagement, consider hosting a post-movie Zoom Q&A with attendees.

6. Social media takeover

Looking to up that brand awareness and get more likes than usual? Ask a local celebrity or someone personally impacted by your organization to take over your social networks for a day. Another bonus: a social media takeover could require nothing but a DM or two on your end—though you might have to be a little more persistent. Time to get those relevant hashtags going and set some #covidfundraising goals.

Don't forget to send your influencer partners some swag so they can rep your nonprofit while they post!

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Socially distanced fundraising ideas

There was a time when we didn’t even know the phrase “social distancing.” Now, it’s a way of life (#ResponsibleCitizensUnite). At this point, a lot of us have Zoom fatigue and miss hanging out IRL. If that sounds familiar, our social distancing fundraising ideas might be right for you. Turns out you can have your cake and keep it six feet away, too.

7. Outdoor yoga or meditation

As long as everyone’s willing to bundle up, you can host a socially distanced yoga fundraiser any day of the year. Everyone should don their face masks and bring their own mat. Then, close your eyes and take some deep, coronavirus-free breaths. Note that this can also be an easy virtual event if you choose to livestream a class instead.

8. Car wash

This is one of those socially distant fundraising ideas that helps your supporters and your cause. Ask your awesome volunteers to mask up (and glove up!) in support of your fundraising efforts, and then give them some soap, sponges, and buckets. You can also take the show on the road by having volunteers drive to people’s homes and wash their cars on location. Talk about valet service!

9. Clean-up fundraiser

What’s a better socially distant fundraising idea than raising money while alone in your own home? Have supporters KonMari the heck out of their houses, host a yard sale (or hit up the local consignment boutique), and donate the proceeds to your house. You can even have a friendly competition for who can clear out the most stuff (post the photos on social media with hashtags like #cleanupgiveback or #cleanlivingcharitablegiving), with the winner getting a gift certificate.

Fundraising ideas during lockdown

There’s a certain ebb and flow to life these days, and every once in a while, it’s time for another super-fun lockdown! Okay, so that’s lost some of its novelty since we stopped growing scallions on our windowsills, but maybe these fundraising ideas during lockdown will liven things up when/if you can’t leave your house again.

10. Sweatshirt fundraiser

You’ve heard of a T-shirt fundraiser, but we can do you one better. What do you need when you’re stuck at home for days on end? More sweatshirts! Sell custom sweatshirts for your cause—or start a snuggly peer-to-peer fundraising campaign—and watch the donations roll in.

Instead of your boring old logo, get a specialty lockdown design made for your supporters... we gotta get our fashun in somehow during lockdown.

11. Online mixology class

What can you do with half a bottle of cookie dough vodka, orange juice, and angostura bitters? Asking for a friend. An online mixology class fundraiser is the perfect way to help your supporters make the most of their time at home. For an online donation, attendees receive a PDF with drink recipes and then learn to mix like champs with a local mixologist. Bonus points if you encourage your supporters to buy their bar supplies from local businesses.

12. Virtual tour

If you can’t bring your supporters to your organization, bring the organization to your supporters! Charge a small entry fee to “tour” your organization, then livestream your most charismatic staff members walking through your facilities. Afterward, you can do a live Q&A and solicit additional donations. It’s almost like a night out! … almost.

Note that you might have to get a little creative if your facilities are just offices. Think a Blair Witch Project-themed tour would go over well?

Fundraising ideas for nonprofits during a pandemic

Someday, what was a pandemic will be endemic. Until that day comes, here are our best and brightest pandemic fundraising ideas. These event ideas will get your supporters amped up even when times are tough.

13. Virtual coffee class

Something about doing the same thing every. Single. Day. Makes us sooo sleepy. Luckily, we have coffee, most superior of beverages, to get us through! Host an online coffee class to teach supporters how to brew the perfect cup. Plus, you’ll be cornering the “early morning fundraiser” market—always a good idea.

Now that we're thinking about it... We know a few people who roast their own beans—what about you? Sounds like a stimulating seminar that we'd pay to join!

14. Virtual 5k

When I say “pandemic,” you say “endorphins!” This pandemic fundraising idea is a real winner, allowing participants to run (or walk… or drive… at this point, we’re not picky) from wherever they want. You choose the distance; they choose the starting point and work that crowdfunding magic. Set up a peer-to-peer campaign with supporter pages (Funraise makes peer-to-peer fundraising easy as pie ...which everyone deserves after running a 5k), share it with runners, and then have everyone upload their times post-race. You can even mail out prizes if you’re feeling really ambitious!

15. Happy hour webinar

The possibilities are endless when you plan a pandemic happy hour webinar. Make it a Q&A with your program director and field staff, and then share the latest and greatest with your supporters. To make things fun, choose a happy hour theme in advance: mocktails in January, hot toddies in February, Beaujolais in May…

Don't forget that the best happy hours have awesome playlists or... karaoke!! Have a signup sheet and get those vocals warmed up. Maybe even encourage attendees to bring their laptops into the (non-running) shower so they can feel comfortable and you get the best version of their voice.

Church fundraising during the pandemic

We have faith that these church fundraising ideas will provide some inspiration for any generous congregation—even when they can’t gather in person. And these aren’t only for church! Synagogues, mosques, temples—whatever the place of worship, there’s a COVID fundraising idea.

16. Virtual BINGO

Bingo is one of those timeless games that everyone loves, so why not make it into a fundraising event? Host your own socially distanced bingo night over Zoom or Google, inviting players to hop on over to your donation page if they’re having a good time. There are virtual bingo cards a-plenty online, and if you want to take things up a notch, you can have prizes available, too.

17. 50/50 raffle

If you’re looking for a quick way to make some cash, a 50/50 raffle is your ticket to success. Here’s how it works: supporters near and far buy a raffle ticket for a set price, and at the end of the event, a name is drawn at random. That person wins half the pot; the other half goes to the church. You can sell tickets online and use a random number generator to draw names. Technology for the win!

18. Birthday fundraisers

We know TikTok is the way to go, but most of your congregants of giving age are probably more on the Facebook side of the social media equation. Facebook’s birthday fundraisers are a great way to fundraise year-round—all you need to do is remind your supporters to organize a fundraiser for their birthday each year, with proceeds going to your church. And here’s a pro tip: you can sync all that precious Facebook donation and donor data with Funraise automatically! Happy birthday to all of us.

School fundraising ideas during COVID

School’s back in session! And… it’s out. In! Out. Out? In. COVID has certainly made attending school complicated, but one thing hasn’t changed: you still need to raise money to support school programs, field trips, and now, online learning. From preschoolers to college kids, here are our top fundraising ideas for schools.

Social distancing fundraisers for schools

Just because we’re staying six feet apart doesn’t mean we can’t fundraise together. Check out these socially distanced school events for all your educational fundraising needs.

19. House-to-school walk-a-thon

A walk-a-thon is one of our favorite fundraising ideas for schools during COVID, and you can easily tweak this community event to be socially distant. One fun way to do this is to have every participant walk a set course from their home to the school on the same day. Then, when they arrive, have hot or cold drinks ready to sip (at a distance, of course!). This is also a great choice for a peer-to-peer fundraising or crowdfunding campaign.

School too far away or the day of the walk-a-thon lands on a distance learning day? Give students a different task: timed bedroom cleanup race, Best Breakfast contest, or desk decorating contest!

20. Online concert

Gathering in a tightly packed auditorium might be a no go right now, but that doesn’t mean you can’t belt a solo and raise some funds for your school. Host an online concert with students sharing their musical talents. Just like an in-person event, you can charge an entrance fee and sell some custom merch in your (online) store. While you can be ambitious and livestream the event, we’d suggest pre-recording each performance.

If your concert falls during Homecoming or Halloween time, change it to an impersonation show. The kids can dress up as teachers, celebrities, or historical figures and deliver their best impression!

Preschool fundraising ideas during COVID

Turns out that tiny hands can do some great fundraising—with a little direction, of course! Keep your kiddos busy and your preschool in tip-top shape with these COVID-friendly fundraisers.

21. Virtual craft lessons

For preschoolers, crafting involves a lot of sticky little fingers, which isn’t the most COVID-friendly. Virtual craft lessons, however, are a great way to pass a rainy, socially distanced afternoon. Work with artistic parents and/or local business owners to host a series of craft lessons. Beforehand, send out a list of supplies and direct everyone to your fundraising page. You’ll be making art and making it rain in no time.

22. Dance-a-thon

Hear us out: preschoolers have a lot (A LOT) of energy, so a dance-a-thon fundraiser a) is a great way to raise money and b) lets those cooped-up kiddos get out all that pent-up energy. Here’s how you do this faboosh peer-to-peer fundraiser: Families sign up, create an individual donation page, ask their social networks to pledge a certain amount for each minute of dancing, and then everyone turns on some music and dances it out for as long as possible. Ask everyone to film their kids to really make this one go viral—who doesn’t want dancing baby videos in these dark times? One more thing: may we suggest banning Baby Shark? We’ve been through enough in the last couple of years.

Middle school fundraising ideas during COVID

Middle school was hard enough pre-COVID; nowadays, middle schoolers really deserve the best school experience we can give them. These middle school fundraising ideas during COVID will still embarrass your middle schooler a little, but we think they’re pretty cool.

23. Drive-through bake sale

Maybe you can’t gather around a table laden with delicious desserts, but why not try a drive-through bake sale? You can ask your supporters to bake it up, or you can reach out to local businesses (make sure they’re not hurting from the pandemic themselves!) for some top-notch treats.

Maybe you'll get your supporters to do a record-breaking pay-it-forward chain. If it works for Starbucks, it could work for your school!

24. COVID-safe bike-a-thon

Take it virtual or make sure everyone’s face masks are secured: the choice is yours. Either way, a bike-a-thon is a great way for your middle school to raise funds safely and get outdoors. Choose a date and time and encourage everyone to get out and bike as far as they can! This works well as a peer-to-peer fundraiser, where supporters donate a certain amount of money for every mile you bike.

As a tangential fundraiser, your school could sell branded bike locks. They're always needed, and maybe if the lock sports a nonprofit logo, maybe thieves will think before they steal?

Fundraising ideas during COVID for a high school

High schoolers definitely have a greater appreciation for their schools after the past two years. Raise some funds and foster some community with these fundraising ideas during COVID for a high school.

25. Virtual talent show

The Oscars have been pretty slow lately, so we think it’s high time for a better awards show. Gather the theater department, the school choir, and the amateur magic club and host a no-holds-barred virtual talent show. You’ll want a really great fundraising platform for this one—a platform that does everything, from selling tickets to providing on-screen donation alerts to celebrate each donation. What’s that? Funraise has it all and then some? That’s what we thought.

26. COVID cookbook

One of the high points of the past couple of years is how many of us have honed our skills in the kitchen. Ask each student to share their favorite quarantine recipe; then, publish and sell the cookbook as a school fundraiser. Include a blurb by each student explaining why they enjoy the recipe or sharing a memory of making it.

Fundraising ideas during COVID for sororities

Greek life and fundraising go together like peanut butter and potato chips. (Um, try it; it’s great.) Whether you’re looking to raise money for dues, events, or housing improvements, here are some safe, sure-fire fundraising ideas during COVID for sororities.

27. Self-care in a box

Everyone’s a little stressed these days, so why not raise money for your chapter while doling out some much-needed R&R? Put together self-care packages for people to send to friends, family, or themselves. To make everything a little more special, include some handwritten notes of affirmation.

Speaking of notes of affirmation... what if your supporters signed up for a daily note of affirmation text message? Even if you offer it as a free service, you can add in a donation link to your texts or you can do a weekly reminder that donating makes you feel great...

28. Start a newsletter

Your alumni network is your biggest source of fundraising support, so take advantage! Start a quarterly newsletter that bridges the physical distance between everyone. Give chapter updates, feature current members and alumni, and make sure each newsletter has an embedded donation firm. Also, don’t forget about the power of matching gifts! Plenty of alumni are employed with companies that offer matching gift programs, so gently (and consistently!) remind them to check into that sweet source of funding.

Fraternity fundraising ideas during COVID

With parties and festivals off the table, you need fraternity fundraising ideas that are fun, easy, and profitable—all from a distance. Next up, here are some fraternity fundraising ideas during COVID.

29. Bake and take

Because everyone loves cookies (and also eating their feelings during times of stress)! What did you think we were talking about? You can order baked goods from a local business or you can get ambitious and bake them yourself. And guess what? No one will care if they’re not the best cookies on earth as long as they’re delivered with a friendly (masked) smile.

But now that you mention it... if you're in a state that allows it, you could partner with a marijuana company and offer fraternity-branded cookies, brownies, or other edibles.

30. Text it up

Text-to-give is the next big fundraising frontier, so if you have a specific fundraising need, a text engagement campaign is the way to go. With a way higher open rate than email, SMS fundraising requires 160 convincing characters that direct donors to your campaign site. Zero tech skills needed; Funraise’s text engagement feature has you covered.

PTA fundraising ideas during COVID

It’s a tricky balance right now: you want your kids to succeed, but you also want to keep them safe. We’re here for you with these PTA fundraising ideas during COVID.

31. Read-a-thon

Some of us have really upped our reading game during the pandemic, and a read-a-thon is a great way to keep that momentum going. Like a walk-a-thon but with way less physical exertion, a read-a-thon fundraiser is a great way to do some good old-fashioned crowdfunding. Ask your network to pledge a certain donation amount for every 10 minutes of reading or every book read. You can get the whole family on board! (Plus, parents will probably thank you for keeping their kids quiet and reading for awhile!)

32. Online silent auction

We’ve all attended a silent auction or five in our day, but there’s something about quietly bidding on items that’s always a good time! And when your silent auction moves online, you can extend the bidding period and (hopefully) up the final amount raised. You’ll need a solid promotion plan and a proper platform/auction software. Then, it’s all about gathering auction items that really get people excited during these turbulent times. Some COVID-friendly ideas that we’d definitely bid on include a remote (AKA socially-distanced) mountain getaway, a kit to make your own gnocchi, or 10 hours with a (fully vaxxed and boosted) babysitter.

Fundraising ideas during COVID at work

Nothing brings colleagues together quite like raising money for a good cause. Even if you’re working remotely, you can still make a difference (in a fun way) with these fundraising ideas during COVID at work.

33. Virtual scavenger hunt

No more sitting at a desk for your employees! All you need for this easy fundraiser is Zoom or Google and a list of items that everyone has in their house. Set a time limit, start the clock, and watch everyone race to find the listed items. When the bell tolls, everyone needs to be back at their desk, scavenged items in hand. You can charge an entry fee, or you can ask everyone to donate what feels right. If you want to up the stakes (and the donations), maybe the winner gets a paid vacation day?

34. Home office decorating contest

Listen, we all get a secret thrill from seeing other people’s home workspaces—so why not up the ante? For this initiative, participants get one week to decorate their home office—choose a theme or don’t, the choice is yours. At the unveiling, everyone votes on their favorite home office ($1 = one vote) with the funds going to a nonprofit. The winner gets a prize. (Might we suggest a new plant for their office?)

35. Give it up and give back

Encourage your officemates to give up one daily expense and donate those funds to a nonprofit. Maybe it’s the cost of their daily bus ticket (thanks, WFH!) or their afternoon avocado toast (we’re looking at you, millennials. JK JK!). Try it for a week or a month; you’d be surprised how those small daily donations add up.

Put it in reverse! Instead of giving up something and donating the money, have colleagues do something nice for one another. For every good deed, have the company make a donation.

Creative fundraising ideas during COVID

Tired of the same old routine? Yeah, us, too. If you want to break out of your rinse-and-repeat fundraising rut, try out these creative fundraising ideas during COVID.

36. First Friday art walk

This one requires some planning, but it’s also a great excuse to get out and have some fun during these dark days! It works best as a peer-to-peer fundraising campaign, where everyone in one neighborhood gets involved. Have at least 10 neighbors sell art outside their houses, and then invite community members to buy it, with all proceeds going to—you guessed it—your organization.

Help this get the most traction by turning it into a block party! Provide participating neighborhoods with resources on what to do to close down a street, signup sheets for setup/teardown and potluck tasks, and maybe even deliver a dessert for the potluck!

37. At-home fashion show

Nonprofit organizations everywhere love a fashion show, amirite? While we can’t walk the runway right now, all of us have some pretty stylish items sitting in our closets. For this creative fundraiser, ask supporters to don their best quarantine apparel (and do their makeup to match!) and log on. Let each model present their outfit, and then divide everyone into break-out rooms for a post-show cocktail and catch-up with fellow attendees. Sell tickets, maybe add a virtual raffle, and you’ve got a great night in.

38. Don't say "C*VID"

You’ve heard of a swear jar, right? Well, in a time when we’re all sooo tired of talking about COVID, this is a great way to change the topic and raise money for a good cause. A new variant means you’ll really be raking it in!  *lolsob*

Innovative fundraising ideas during covid

Sure, you can sell another branded face mask, but there’s something to be said for being a fundraising mover and shaker. Flex those avant-garde muscles with these innovative ways to fundraise during COVID.

39. Couch potato marathon

Personally, we’re not big on 5ks because... running. But binge-watching movies, reading an entire book in one sitting, or playing video games for 16 hours? That’s our jam. For this innovative twist on a marathon fundraiser, have your supporters do the super-chill activity of their choice for at least six hours straight! Just like a race, they can set up customizable fundraising pages for easy peer-to-peer fundraising. And here’s a guess: this will be one fundraiser that everyone’s eager to join in on.

40. Breakfast in bed

Here are two universal truths: we all love delivery, and we all love brunch. Combine these two wonderful worlds with a breakfast in bed fundraiser, delivering pre-made breakfasts, with an optional DIY mimosa add-on, to your supporters. You can organize your volunteers to each make a component and then each deliver to a set number of homes. Or, if you’re not feeling up to all that work, you can always go the donuts and coffee route—we won’t judge.

41. Getting hairy with it

Before you cut your bangs, consider giving something back to make the mistake worth it. With this peer-to-peer fundraising challenge, supporters make a big change to their hair, whether it’s growing a beard, dyeing their locks green, or shaving their head. If people really go big, you might even be able to get a sponsorship or two (maybe from a local hair salon that will fix up the messes afterward?) Be sure to share the photos on your social media accounts!

Virtual fundraising ideas during COVID

It’s hard to believe that there was a time when many of us had never attended a virtual event. Now, it’s a way of life. If you need to some fresh virtual fundraising ideas during COVID, check out our picks below.  

42. Social media challenge

Like the ice bucket challenge before it, the idea here is to think up some memorable activity, and then get your supporters to do it, share it, and pass it on. Maybe it’s improvising a song, maybe it’s eating a lemon, maybe it’s doing their makeup in 90 seconds. Have a hashtag at the ready and get ready for some peer-to-peer fundraising fun. Just remember to keep it safe! No parkour challenges, folks.

43. Virtual pizza making

We can all agree that pizza is the food of the gods, but homemade pizza is so. Much. Better. It’s also kinda time-consuming and tricky to make. Enter virtual pizza-making lessons! Deliver the ingredients to attendees in advance, or have designated pick-up windows, and then have everyone log on at the same time. Partner with a local restaurant (and consider sharing the proceeds—these are tough times for restaurants!) to provide the instruction. Mangiamo!

44. Virtual fitness class

We love getting outside and getting our fitness on (followed by a hot chocolate or three, but of course), but in the depths of winter, that’s not always feasible. For an easy virtual fundraiser, sell tickets to an online dance or exercise class. You can ask a volunteer to run it or enlist the help of a local business. Or, if you want to go big, try getting a fitness influencer to donate their time.

Since we definitely need incentives to work out, provide a prize for different levels of achievement: number of classes attended, jumping jacks endurance, or even biggest group class!

Fundraising ideas during COVID for animal shelters

One highlight of the pandemic has certainly been skyrocketing adoption rates for animals in need (and all those adorable photos on our Instagram feeds). Keep the momentum going with these ideas for fundraising during COVID for animal shelters.

45. Virtual pet gala

What’s better than a cat in a tiara? Trick question! Nothing is better than that. Host a virtual gala that folks will actually want to attend by encouraging every pet to don their finest apparel. You can have guest speakers, an auction, and all that good gala stuff, but here’s the twist: Each “table” (AKA break-out room) can hold up their furry friend(s) on video, and then nominate the best-dressed pet in their crew. Present the top dogs (and cats, guinea pigs, and pygmy marmosets) to the full audience for a fun way to end the evening.  

46. Online adoption

No one is actually adopting a dog or cat with this fundraising idea—though, of course, that’s the end goal. Instead, consider virtual adoptions or sponsorships. Share photos of your animals in need and invite supporters to contribute in that animal’s name. Send them a photo and brief bio of their furry friend. And when their new BFF has been adopted, send them a joyful update!

47. Trot-a-thon

It’s like a walk-a-thon but for dogs, cats, and miniature ponies. Encourage people and pets to wear matching outfits and post the photos to your social media accounts to really spread the word. Make it a crowdfunding campaign or a P2P fundraiser—what matters is that everyone’s getting out and about safely—and raising awareness for your animal shelter.

Fundraising ideas during COVID for sports teams

When it comes to sportsball, we’re your one-stop-shop for fundraising ideas. Flex your muscles and raise money for your team with these fundraising ideas during COVID for sports teams.

48. Hula hoop contest

At home or on the field, this one is a hu-la-ta (a whole lotta… we’ll show ourselves out) fun for participants and spectators alike. Make it a P2P fundraiser or a ticketed outdoor event—what matters is that everyone twists their hips to the 50’s music and has a good time. The best part? Hula hoops ensure social distancing.

Don't want to have to house a buncha hula hoops? Slap stickers on them and sell 'em! Get supporters to use them for the social media challenge idea above.

49. Food cart fundraiser

This isn’t the time to be asking most restaurants for a percentage of their profits, but food carts have survived the pandemic largely unscathed. So, why not enlist a few local spots to donate 10-20% of their revenue to your cause? Wheel a few food carts onto the field during a slow night (maybe Tuesday. Why is everything closed on Tuesday?!) for a fundraiser that requires very little planning and yields all the deliciousness. See you there!  

50. Helping hands auction

The fundraiser that gives back twice! Hold an online auction for various services, courtesy of your team members. Your team raises money; the generous donors don’t have to clean their own gutters this year. They scratch your back; you walk their llama for a week. You get it.

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Final points on the best fundraisers during COVID

While the pandemic hasn’t been fun for any of us (we never thought we’d burn out on Real Housewives, but here we are), we’re all forging ahead into the world of COVID fundraising together. Someday, the galas of yore will return; for now, these fundraisers during COVID will engage your community, bring awareness to your cause, and raise those vital funds that let you keep fighting the good fight.  

Mobile phone with donation form and donation charts floating around the phone.Mobile phone with donation form and donation charts floating around the phone.Woman looking at fundraising chart with button to book a call.Yellow shapes in background with donation form in front with stylized text, build an intelligence giving experience.Sparkling star.
Sparkling star.
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Sparkling star.Sparkling stars.
Blue shapes.Blue shapes.Blue shapes.
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