67 Good Fundraising Ideas for Schools

67 Good Fundraising Ideas for Schools in 2023 (High, Middle + Examples)

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October 2, 2024
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Welcome, class. We're so glad to have you with us. Today, we'll be learning about the best fundraising ideas for schools so that you can raise money, build community, and give every kid the educational experience they deserve. From candy grams to shoe drives and school dances to field days, here are favorite ideas to boost your fundraising and your school spirit. Put on your thinking cap, and let's get started.

The 67 best fundraisers for schools

In an ideal world, every school would have limitless funds for classroom supplies, technology upgrades, playground equipment, and more. Unfortunately, that's often not the case. If you're turning to fundraising to raise money for your school, here are the best school fundraisers to support the next generation—guaranteed to make you teacher's pet.

Our favorite fundraising ideas for schools

  1. Read-a-thon
  2. Farmers' Market
  3. Stone Soup

There's no such thing as a bad idea, but there are certainly some that are just a bit better. To kick things off, check out our favorite fundraisers for schools, with fundraising ideas that are sure to teach everyone a lesson. (But in a good way!)

1. Read-a-thon

Encouraging kids to read and raising money for a good cause? It's all here in one brilliant school peer-to-peer fundraising campaign. Friends and family sponsor aspiring bookworms by pledging a certain amount of money per minute of reading or per page read. Then, students turn off the television and read as much as possible to meet their fundraising goal!

2. Farmers' market

A lot of us grow our own vegetables, fruits, herbs, or flowers—and we often find ourselves with A LOT of zucchini on our hands. Instead of the usual bake sale, have students and their families sell their extra produce at a farmers' market in the school gym. And hey, if you want to include a mini-bake sale in the mix to bring in some additional donations, we won't judge. After all, kale and cookies totally cancel each other out.

3. Stone soup

We've all read the folk story, and it is more than a lesson: it's a great fundraising idea! Get some very large pots, and some very flavorful stones, and have everyone bring one ingredient that they enjoy. Simmer, stir, and then sell bowls of stone soup. And here's a bonus tip: consider making different stone soups to accommodate various dietary restrictions.

4. Other soup-er soups

While we're on the soup train (mmm … soup train), why not max out your fundraiser—or hold a follow-up event—by asking families to make a pot of their culture's favorite soup? From matzo ball and miso to minestrone and mulligatawny, you'll try some new flavors and learn about different cultures. Consider asking local business owners to donate soups, too! They can hand out 10%-off discount cards to entice people back to their restaurants.

Easy fundraisers for schools

  1. Cute Letters
  2. Dine Out To Donate
  3. Candy and Bake Sale

Anyone with kids knows how it feels to be short on time and energy, and that means that the best fundraising ideas are the easy-breezy ones. If you want fundraising that's as easy as ABC, check out these easy fundraising ideas for schools.

5. Cute letters

First on our list of easy school fundraising ideas, ye olde letter-writing campaign. This works best for kids who are still finessing those writing skills because their letters are super adorable. Have all the kids write directly to friends and family members, explaining why they're raising money in their own words. Hand-deliver the notes to make this a low-cost, high-return fundraiser.

6. Dine out to donate

For this super-easy school fundraiser (and a classic in the world of nonprofit fundraising events), you just need a local restaurant or shop to donate a percentage of their profits for the day to your school. Since you'll be working with local businesses, you want to help them out, too. By choosing a slow day and advertising the event at school and across social media, you'll bring them more customers, making up for the amount they're donating back.

7. Sell yummy things

It's not the most creative, but it is one of those classic, easy school fundraisers. Plenty of places, from Krispy Kreme to Auntie Anne's Pretzels, let you buy their goods at a discount and sell them at a profit. Students of all ages can go door-to-door (with a parent for the little ones!) or set up shop in a popular area. Then, just wait for the hungry hordes.

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Fun fundraising ideas for schools

At Funraise, we believe fundraisers should be (wait for it) fun. So naturally, we've got lots of ideas for fun fundraisers for schools. Whew, can you say that three times fast? When you just want to let loose and raise funds in a fun way, these fun school fundraising ideas will get the job done.

8. Photo-licious fundraiser

Kids really, really love taking photos, don't they? Loan them your iPhones (get a warranty first), buy a bunch of polaroid cameras, or rent equipment. Then, let the kids snap pics to their hearts' content. Here's the fun school fundraiser idea: get a volunteer to help kids hone their photography skills and charge a small fee to participate, do some crowdfunding by posting them on social media, and/or select the best photos for a calendar for parents.

9. Iron Chef bake sale

Everyone loves a theme, so make your typical bake sale a bit more exciting by choosing a secret ingredient to feature in all the baked goods. Email it out to everyone a few days ahead of time; they then have to use it in their sweet-and-sticky creations. Chocolate or citrus is easy, but people just might shell out the big bucks to see who can successfully make a kale cake.

10. Board game night

When we think of fun activities, board games always top our fun-tastic list. So, next up in fun school fundraiser ideas, how about a board game night? Invite students and their families to dress up in their finest athleisure or PJs and engage in a night of friendly competition. Charge a small entry fee and sell popcorn and hot chocolate for extra fundraising oomph. You can even sell raffle tickets and raffle off a few game-themed prizes—old Atari games, anyone?

Preschool fundraising ideas

Fundraising in schools starts young these days! For the littlest students, there are plenty of ways to raise funds and make some memories. Start with these totally tantrum-free preschool fundraiser ideas.

11. Parent-kid talent show

Yes, preschoolers are likely to be less “talented” than older kids, but also any talents they do have will be very adorable. That's why we like the idea of a caretaker-kid talent show that gets everyone involved in fundraising. Charge admission to raise those funds, and sell candy bars or cocoa for a bit of extra money. Parents, guardians, or caretakers can support the kids in their big stage debut or vice versa. Calling all amateur magicians: a four-year-old assistant sounds very entertaining to us!

12. Parents' night out

For a small donation, teachers and staff play babysitter for the evening. This is a great fundraiser because everyone wins—the school gets some much-needed funds, the kids get to socialize, and the parents get to Netflix and chill (nope, we're not explaining that to the kiddos).

13. Toy makeover day

Bring in your furless Furbies and Barbies streaked with permanent marker: it's time for a makeover. Get the art teacher to help, gather parent-volunteers, or hire a professional makeup artist, then give those tired toys a brand-new life with a brand-new look. And here's a classic fundraising strategy: Post the results on social media and ask community members to vote on the best makeover—for a donation, but of course. The toy with the most votes gets a spa day.

Elementary school fundraisers ideas

We all know that time makes you bolder and children get older. Once kids are in elementary school, fundraising is a great opportunity to contribute to their community and learn about giving back. Below, a elementary schools fundraiser ideas.

14. Pajama day and pancake breakfast

Who needs pants anyway? A pajama day is a classic fundraiser for elementary school students: everyone wears their best pajamas to school, and you provide the pancakes, toppings, juice, and coffee (for the bleary-eyed parents, of course). Sell tickets to this fun event to enjoy the brunch-tastic morning. After the parents depart, schedule an early recess followed by a special nap time to sleep off the inevitable sugar crash.

15. Maple syrup fundraiser

Want to make that pancake breakfast a little more refined and up your fundraising efforts? If you live in New England, you can tap trees and teach elementary school students to make maple syrup. Sure, a gallon of sap makes a teaspoon of syrup, so you'll have to charge $100 an ounce, but … can you really put a price on learning how to make maple syrup? We didn't think so.

16. No-bake sale

Kids in elementary school are just learning to cook, so no-bake sales are a great way to teach them the ropes without ever turning on your oven—and they're a great elementary school fundraising idea. Wait until the weather's good and hot; then, host a sale of no-bake treats to keep everyone cool, even in the kitchen. You can sell candy bars, too, just in case the goodies aren't to everyone's taste.

17. No-bake sale part 2: even no-bakier

Want to expend even less effort? We get it, soulmate. Here's your two-for-one fundraiser ideas for elementary schools: Pick up day-old treats from local bakeries and sell them at a mark-up. Trust us, they're still super tasty!

Middle school fundraisers ideas

Ah, middle school, when you're not quite a girl, not quite a woman. (Can you tell that we listened to a lot of Britney in middle school?) When it comes to fundraising ideas for middle schoolers, your best bet is to make them as not-embarrassing as possible. With that said, here are some middle school fundraising ideas that make the grade.

18. Nightmare before Christmas

Double your holiday spirit with a Nightmare before Christmas fundraiser: it's like a haunted house but also Christmas-themed. Throw in some skeleton dreidel bears, maybe a mummy Krampus. Incorporate aspects of winter holidays around the world, from Diwali to Kwanzaa, and then throw in some mummies and ghouls. But please, for the love of all that is Jack Skeleton, consult with students and their families to make sure everything is culturally appropriate—and that nothing is too scary. These are still fundraising ideas for middle schools, after all.

19. Can drive

All those recyclables can really add up! Hold a can and bottle drive with all those nickels going back to your beloved middle school students. You can up the giving back-ness by holding a beach clean-up day, too, where students pick up garbage and then donate any recyclables. You can also hold a drive to recycle electronics, old clothes, and more.

20. Mini-golf tournament

This fundraiser is a hole-in-one. (We know; we're so clever and subtle with our humor.) All you need is a mini-golf course and a fundraising page to make this a successful fundraiser. You raise funds from selling tickets, asking local businesses to sponsor a hole, and selling additional raffle tickets. Invite the whole school community to join in!

High school fundraising ideas

The years go by so quickly, don't they? Somehow, we're already moving on to fundraising ideas for high schools.

21. Go screen-free

These fun high school fundraiser ideas are for all those parents who'd pay a small fortune to get their kids to look up from their phone for 10 minutes—though we bet those same parents could use less screentime, too. Make going screen-free a family sacrifice that pays off by soliciting pledges for every hour (or day) spent off-screen. You can download apps to hold yourself to your surprisingly difficult promise. Consider making it a friendly competition, with the student who lasts longest getting a prize. Another reason to go with this screen-free fundraiser is that it's one in a million free fundraising ideas.

22. Study-a-thon

Let's be honest: studying is super necessary, but sometimes, it can feel kinda thankless. With a study-a-thon, students get rewarded for putting their noses to the grindstone. For every 20 minutes spent studying for the SAT or working on college essays, the school gets a donation. Then everyone goes to Harvard, and all is well with the world! Talk about our best high school fundraisers.

23. Yard sale and craft market

Gather all those unwanted tchotchkes and put them to good use with a yard sale/flea market! If any students or parents have hidden artistic talents, they can set up a booth selling their hand-knit gerbil hats, too, donating 20% of profits to the school.

Senior class fundraising ideas

Before you head off to whatever lies ahead, you'll need some fundraiser ideas for senior class to make your senior year the best. Year. Ever. Check out our awesome-blossom senior class fundraisers below.

24. Community dinner

Close out the school year with a cozy, community-building fundraising dinner. The senior class cooks up a main dish and invites other high school students and their families to attend. Each group brings a side—and a donation, but of course. Consider supporting a local nonprofit, too, by asking guests to bring a canned good or toiletry item.

25. School spirit store

Before you go, show your school spirit by hosting an online or in-person school store, selling nothing but school-related merchandise. From pens and notebooks to T-shirts and face masks, everything is branded with your school's logo or decked out in your school colors. This one requires some upfront costs, but in the end, it can really pay off.

26. Teachers vs. students trivia night

Next up for senior fundraiser ideas: it's a trivia contest, students versus teachers. Form teams and try to split the categories evenly so that it's anyone's game. But be warned: you might be surprised by how much pop culture knowledge your math teacher has! You can sell tickets to attend the showdown.

Passive income ideas for schools

A fundraising event is swell, but wouldn't it be great if you could just sit back, sip a mocha, and watch the dollars roll in? In addition to all our (admittedly awesome) fundraising ideas, here are a few ways to make some extra money for schools through passive income.

  1. Start a blog
  2. Partner with local business owners
  3. Corporate Donation Matching Drive

27. Start a blog

If you have some parents with a lot of time on their hands (hahaha ... oh, sorry), encourage them to start a parenting or education-related blog or social account  and donate any proceeds to the school. It takes some effort (and a bit of money) to get up and running, but soon, you'll be raking in the pennies from niche online advertisers.

28. Partnerships with local business owners

It's a popular fundraising idea for a reason. You set up an ongoing partnership with a local business or three. Anytime "your" ice cream or "your" llama food is bought, a small donation goes to the local elementary students. 

29. Corporate donation matching drive

Remind all those working parents that their match their donations thanks to the magic of matching gifts. It's super low-effort for you (besides putting the word out), and it can turn hundreds of dollars into thousands of dollars. BTW, Funraise’s integration with Double the Donation makes it super easy to tap into a pool of up to $7B in unclaimed matching gift funds each year, if you're interested.

Spring school fundraiser ideas

As the snow melts (if you're in a warmer climate, it's a metaphorical melt), everyone wants to get outside and get fundraising! These spring fundraiser ideas for schools are sure to put a spring in your step.

30. Easter egg/scavenger hunt

Kiddos love, love, love an easter egg hunt! But why stop there? Do a combo scavenger hunt and Easter egg hunt (scavEGGer hunt?) and drop off the eggs all over town. Provide clues to the kiddos and offer a special prize to the first one who finds all the eggs! One more tip: now's the time to stop with the plastic eggs—instead, look for compostable ones, made from cornstarch or paper. Then, fill them with all sorts of eco-friendly treasures, from seed packets to snacks, for this spring fundraising idea for schools.

31. Anything wash

You could hold a car wash—or you could hold an anything wash, where community members bring in anything they need washed and you scrub it clean. Dog? Bathed. Shoes? Shined. Couch? Vacuumed. Apple? Peeled. Well, we're not sure about that last one, but you get the idea.

32. Block party

The sun is shining, the flowers are blooming, and we all want to get outside. That makes a block party fundraiser the perfect school spring fundraiser. Make it a potluck or catered, live music or a playlist, BYO lawn chair or seating provided, and make sure you have lots of entertainment for students of all ages—think sidewalk chalk, hula hoops, jump ropes, and bubble wands.

33. School picnic

And while we're at the sun shining and the birds tweeting, how about a school picnic? Lay out some blankets on the school lawn or take a field trip to the local park. Ask student bands to provide the entertainment and have everyone bring their favorite cheese, fruit, or dip. Then, bask in a delightful day of community.

Back to school fundraiser ideas

The lazy days of summer are over, and the kids are back in school. That means it's time to ramp up the fundraising! Set the stage for a successful school year with these back-to-school fundraiser ideas.

  1. School Sleepover
  2. Eternal Summer Party
  3. School Supplies Sale
  4. Shoe Drive Fundraiser

34. School sleepover

Having the kids back in school is a nice break for some parents, but you know what's an even better break? Having the kids back in school overnight. Kick things off by inviting the whole family to a movie night in the gym. Then, parents leave and students stay until the morning. It's a party for everyone! Well, except the teachers, but that's a problem for the PTA.

35. Eternal summer party

Everyone is already missing summer, so why not capitalize on their yearning with a summer-themed school fundraising event? Cover the gym floor in sand, put a slip-n-slide on the lawn, and eat ice cream even if it's freezing out! It's all about having one last hurrah.

36. School supplies sale

When a new school year dawns, students of all ages need their pencils, notebooks, and three-hole-punches. Rather than supporting Amazon, selling school supplies to students provides a great opportunity to support the school community. Set up shop in front of the school at drop-off and pick-up.

37. Shoe drive fundraiser

Gather everyone's gently used, no-longer-loved shoes, sell them to a third-party seller, and take your profits to the bank. That's how most shoe drive fundraisers go. But what if you switched things up and hosted a shoe drive fundraiser as a back to school fundraising event? Charge an admission fee to attend the big event, and then sort shoes by size and style. The entire student body can start the school year with the spiffiest feet around!

38. More creative shoe drive fundraiser

If you want to really break out of the shoe drive fundraiser (shoe)box,  collect all those shoes, charge students and parents for entry, and then set up crafting stations with shoe improvement tutorials. Add tassels, cap toes, and heel accents, or just make those stilettos into a super-cute planter for a cactus

Favorite DIY fundraising ideas

One of the great things about school fundraisers is that you have a built-in network of dedicated supporters in the form of students and parents who just want their school to be the best darn school it can be! With so many folks happy to take an active role in fundraising, DIY campaigns are a perfect fit. 

39. Community yard sale

Harken back to the dreamy days of Marie Kondo and encourage parents and students alike to clean house and give back. Yard sales are classic fundraising activities that require minimal planning beyond some ads in the school newsletter. You can staple some fliers to telephone polls if you really want to bring in the masses. To put the Y in DIY, let everyone put their own spin on their yard sale. Maybe the items for sale include fresh bouquets from local gardens, or perhaps some art students want to take their DIY to the next level and sell some paintings?

40. DIY Giving Day

Crowdfunding and pper-to-peer campaigns are one of the easiest ways to raise money for schools. You say the word and your supporters set up personal campaign sites and do some DIY online fundraising. To turn up the fundraising heat, announce an official Giving Day,. Everyone can set up a personal fundraising page (complete with a must-click online donation form via Funraise), customize the format and rewards, and watch those donations roll in. 

41. Birthday fundraisers

Encourage high school students to set up online fundraisers to support their favorite school programs for their birthdays. After all, their neighbor probably won't chip in for that new Xbox, but they might throw in $10 to support Model UN.

School fundraisers that make the most money

  1. Walk-a-thon-dance-a-thon
  2. Family Field Day
  3. Foodie Festival

Maybe you need to fund a new playground or maybe you need to upgrade your computer lab. When you have a big school expense, you need big bucks, and that means you need high-profit fundraisers for schools. Here are a few ideas for school fundraisers that make the most money.

42. Walk-a-thon-dance-a-thon

We've all seen many a walk-a-thon and many a dance-a-thon. But what about a walk-a-thon-dance-a-thon? Each participant sets up a fundraising page for online donations, then shakes and shimmies their way to their fundraising goal along a pre-set route. Costumes and original dance moves are highly encouraged.

43. Family field day

When you look up “family fun” in the dictionary, you probably see “field day.” Imagine the adorableness of children jumping in sack races or the sweet clumsiness of a grownup being paired with a kid for a three-legged race. Make this fundraising event a big deal (with big fundraising opportunities) by soliciting sponsorships with local vendors, selling T-shirts and water bottles, and setting up a concession stand. If you're rained out, you can always go virtual and livestream your egg-and-spoon relay race from your living room—just put down a tablecloth first.

44. Foodie festival

If you're willing to be ambitious, a food festival can be a great fundraiser. Choose a foodie theme, be it garlic, cheese, or boba, and go wild. You'll need to source vendors, find a space, and then market the heck out of the event. You can host all sorts of fun headliners, including a themed cook-off, tastings, and lectures. Sell tickets in advance, with higher tiers including additional samples and swag.

Fundraising ideas for school clubs

Most school clubs don't have the biggest budgets; luckily, we have some school club fundraising ideas to help out. Whether you need airfare for a trip or new uniforms, these fundraisers for school clubs will get you where you need to go.

45. Cultural fashion show

Every culture has food, traditions, and fashion to be proud of! Instead of holding another food-based event, how about educating about cultural fashions, their history, and how they're a part of that particular culture's traditions? This is a particularly great fundraiser for clubs based around a certain culture or language.

46. Lessons for good

A classic among club fundraising ideas in high school: offer your academic and experiential expertise in exchange for donations. French club members can teach French, soccer club pros can give private soccer lessons. There's something for everyone! You can also consider hosting a silent auction, where community members can bid to learn from talented team members. Bonus! If you're looking for fundraising ideas during COVID, this is a great one.

47. Hot drinks across the world

Plenty of clubs sell baked goods or hot chocolate to raise funds. But here's how you can make it more interesting: sell traditional hot drinks from around the globe. Set up a stand before school, but rather than selling the usual coffee and doughnuts, sell a different warm beverage every morning. Masala chai Monday, Turkish coffee Tuesday...

Student-led fundraising ideas

Rallying the entire school community in support of a new gym is a sure-fire path to school fundraiser success, but what about all the student clubs and extracurricular activities that need a little support? At some point, the art club will need to buy new art supplies, and the yo-yo team will need to fund a field trip to the National Yo-Yo Museum. (It's a thing.) For those fundraising occasions, we suggest a student-led fundraiser.

Band fundraising ideas

48. Niche pop culture concert

Scan the headlines to see what everyone's listening to, then charge  an admission fee to attend a concert for our times. New Zelda game? Play some Koji Kondo. Is it all about the Barbie Movie? Play through the soundtrack—with your own spin, of course. Or you could just do Taylor Swift covers, which will be popular forever and Era.

49. Instrumental walk-a-thon

From the marching band to your friend's dad's barbershop quartet, invite everyone, everywhere to join in on a jam-band-a-thon on the move. Different groups can play different tunes, or you can let the music flow down the line and embrace a little dissidence. During the holiday season, consider an instrumental caroling version.

Art fundraising ideas

50. Art show

A student-led fundraiser in every sense of the word, a student art show a) raises funds, b) gives student artists a platform for their work, and c) is a great excuse to serve fancy cheese and charcuterie. Funds come from ticket sales, art sales, and maybe a raffle or two. Open up the exhibit during the school day to create some buzz.

51. Art classes

Middle school and high school students can offer up their talents in the form of fun lessons for younger aspiring artists. Host a "Draw-the-monster-under-your-bed class", a paper-doll making workshop, or take a few kiddos out to gather materials in nature and use them to make amazing prints and collages. For smaller kiddos, ask an adult to join you.

Theater fundraising ideas

52. Broadway karaoke night

Host a karaoke night, but make it Broadway. Bring down the house by doing an all-club version of "Seasons of Love" for the final song. Maybe throw in "One Day More" for an encore. 

53. Improv games

Get your fellow students—and maybe some of the cool parents?—out of their shells with an improv night. Pop some corn and play a few rousing rounds of Two Truths and Lie, One Word at a Time, and Yes And. Give prizes for the best performances.

Language and cultural fundraiser ideas

54. Culturally appropriate cooking lessons

Sushi making for Japanese club, dumplings for Chinese club, baguette for French club. (And if you tackle baguette, you'd better have an expert on hand.) Sell snacks for the hungry chefs to earn a little extra money.

55. Dessert sale

We talked about bake sales, and we love 'em so, but here's something extra-special about sampling sweets from another culture. Each student bakes (or doesn't! We're looking at you kakigori and maja blanca) a delicious treat and sets up shop right after school. It's the perfect event for students, parents, and hungry passersby.

Field trip fundraising ideas

56. Letter writing fundraiser

Break out those pens, pencils, and watercolors and rediscover the wonders of direct mail with a letter-writing campaign. Describe exactly why this field trip is so important to you in a handwritten letter, decorate the heck out of it, and send it to family and friends with an extra stamp.

57. Mini-field trip

Saving up for a day at the museum for history club? Host a mini-exhibit in the school gym with student-written captions. Sending the fashion club to NY Fashion Week? A pet fashion show is right on brand.

Food fundraisers for schools

Some people like steak; others prefer tofu. Some are chocolate-holics and others are vanilla beans. But we can all agree that food is great, and that makes school food fundraisers a mighty tasty idea. If you want to reach donors' hearts, you can go through their stomachs with these food fundraising ideas for schools.

58. Food fight

We've all seen food fights in movies, but how many of us have really been in one? If you ever wanted to get slimed or pied in the face, this food fundraising idea is for you! Cover the cafeteria with plastic and get out all those foods that are nearing their expiration date. Students get to participate in exchange for a small donation and a canned good for a local nonprofit organization. We'd suggest waiting until last period so that everyone can go home and hose off.

59. Food-eating contest

Rather than forcing everyone to wolf down hotdogs, make it a peer-to-peer fundraiser where each participant chooses their own food to gorge themselves on. Everyone sets up their own page for some online fundraising, sharing what delicious item they'll be cramming into their gaping maws. Then, they gather and go to town. Personally, we'd choose potatoes, but the allure of eating limitless cheesecake is always there.

60. Battle of the yams

It's a battle of the bands but for aspiring chefs. This unique school fundraising cook-off features a dueling duo making their best creation within a set amount of time. Yams are optional but encouraged.

School supplies fundraisers

From glue and glitter to chalkboards and globes, schools require a lot of supplies to provide every child with an exceptional education. In response, many teachers end up purchasing their own supplies for their classrooms. Instead, school supply fundraisers are a great way to raise money for your school. Read on for our school supply fundraiser ideas.

61. Backpack fundraiser

Encourage community members near and far to fill backpacks with much-needed classroom supplies. You can supply branded backpacks for some extra school spirit! This is a perfect matching gift opportunity, too, if you can get a local business to join in. They give the school a certain amount of money for every 10 backpacks filled.

62. Crowdfunding school supplies

If you're a teacher or staff member in an underserved area, chances are local community members won't have the funds to help out much. That's why crowdfunding campaigns work so well—it gives you access to a community of donors across state lines and time zones. Set up an online fundraiser, tell your story, and share it far and wide—and across social media channels.

63. Student art sale

Last in our school supply fundraising ideas, it's a student art sale! This works especially well if you're in need of art supplies. Have all the students make DIY arts and crafts—they can design their own cards, decorate face masks, make jewelry, or just get out the paints and let their inner Picasso shine. Families and community members can then buy the masterpieces, with all proceeds going to purchase school supplies.

Student council fundraising ideas

Student council members have a lot on their plates, from representing their classmates to planning activities. That means they need to fundraise their way to a fun school year for all—and that's where our fundraising ideas for student council come in. And remember: the best student council fundraiser ideas double as class events.

64. Giant pumpkin paddle

You know those enormous pumpkins and squashes you see every October and think, “What will they do with that afterward?” Well, here's your answer. Gather up the largest pumpkins you can find post-Halloween, hollow them out, and hold a race at your local lake or pool. You can form teams and have staff members race student council, with teachers and students betting (i.e., donating) on the winner. Sell cider and seasonal treats to make this an extra-profitable student council fundraiser.

65. Seasonal flower delivery

Celebrate the people you love most—platonically or romantically—by selling single carnations or roses (or go really wild with some dahlias) to your fellow student leading up to V-day. On the 14th, student council members deliver the blooms, bringing all the mushy feels to everyone's day. But really, you can do this type of fundraiser at any time of the school year. Sprigs of decorative greenery for December, anyone? Anyone?

66. Wrap it up

Offer your gift-wrapping services to parents, teachers, and students alike when the holidays come around. Hit up the dollar store for an assortment of supplies, or make it green by using old newspapers adorned with miniature pinecones and other festive found items.

67. Rap it up

For an extra donation, offer to improv a personalized rap or spoken-word poem for each donor. Honestly, they'll probably be so embarrassed that they'll just give you the money.

5 most successful school fundraisers

So, what do all these school fundraisers look like IRL? Here are a few examples of successful school fundraising to show you that it really can be done.

1. Jacobs Elementary’s 18th annual read-a-thon doubled expectations

Jacobs Elementary’s 2021 read-a-thon raised $20,000—more than doubling their previous fundraising record from 2018. Students set individual reading goals, tracked how many minutes they read, and asked friends and family to pledge their support. Plus, students surpassed their group goal of 195,000 total minutes of reading by nearly 19,500 minutes.

2. Achieve Plant City’s wine tasting and silent auction raised over $40k

Achieve Plant City, which provides general education, parenting classes, and ESL classes, has relied on its annual fundraising auction to help purchase classroom supplies for the past 10 years. This year, the event raised over $40,000.

3. Fremont Middle School’s walk-a-thon helped students and others

Fremont Middle School’s walk-a-thon raised over $9,000, with students walking laps around the school track. They raised money for student and staff activities but also donated 10% of the funds to help disabled veterans.

4. Lyles-Crouch PTA’s Lion Fest raised almost $50k after cancellation in 2020

Lyles-Crouch Traditional Academy’s 2021 Lion Fest Fundraiser raised almost $50,000 through online donations. The event itself included an outdoor scavenger hunt and a photobooth, delighting everyone since the 2020 event was canceled due to COVID.

5. Norwood High School’s Craft Fair was all about community

Norwood High School’s annual craft fair is a popular local event with over 80 crafters from all over New England. But in addition to being a fun way to shop, this successful fundraiser raises money for Norwood High School and other local organizations. The whole school helps set up the event, making it a true community event. In 2021, they raised $10,000 in profits.

Mobile phone with donation form and donation charts floating around the phone.Mobile phone with donation form and donation charts floating around the phone.Woman looking at fundraising chart with button to book a call.Yellow shapes in background with donation form in front with stylized text, build an intelligence giving experience.Sparkling star.
Sparkling star.
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Sparkling star.Sparkling stars.
Blue shapes.Blue shapes.Blue shapes.

School fundraiser FAQ

What is the most profitable fundraiser for schools?

Read-a-thons and fun runs tend to be highly profitable for schools! Why? They have low upfront costs, high participation rates, and can engage the entire community. These events combine physical activity or reading with pledge-based fundraising, allowing students to collect donations from family and friends based on their achievements.

What can I make for a school fundraiser?

Popular homemade items for school fundraisers include baked goods, crafts, custom t-shirts, and personalized school merchandise. Consider creating themed gift baskets, handmade jewelry, or custom school spirit items. Engage students in the creation process to increase involvement and showcase their talents while raising funds for the school.

What's the cheapest school fundraiser?

Penny drives and pajama days are extremely low-cost fundraisers. They require minimal supplies and planning while still engaging students. Other cheap options include car washes, talent shows, and social media challenges. These events leverage existing resources and student enthusiasm to raise funds without significant upfront expenses.

What's the easiest school fundraiser?

Restaurant nights, where a portion of proceeds goes to the school, are simple to organize. Partner with local eateries, promote the event, and encourage families to dine out. Online crowdfunding campaigns are also easy to set up and share. These options require minimal planning and execution while still generating funds for the school.

What's the best food for school fundraising?

Bake sales featuring homemade treats and popcorn fundraisers are consistently popular and profitable food-based options. Consider selling custom school cookie tins, gourmet popcorn varieties, or hosting a chili cook-off. Food fundraisers can engage the community, showcase culinary talents, and appeal to a wide range of supporters.

How do you raise money for a school?

Schools can raise funds through various methods, including online donations, social media campaigns, text-to-give programs, crowdfunding, silent auctions, and community events. Engaging parents, alumni, and local businesses in fundraising efforts can significantly boost results. Diversifying fundraising strategies helps reach a wider audience and increase overall donations.

How do we make sure our school fundraiser is inclusive?

Ensure inclusivity by offering diverse participation options, considering financial accessibility, and involving the entire school community in planning. Create a fundraising policy that addresses equity issues, avoids individual incentives, and focuses on community-building events. Survey parents for preferences and provide a range of activities, including free options, to engage everyone.

Can schools leverage technology and social media for fundraising?

Absolutely. Schools can utilize online donation platforms, create engaging social media campaigns, and implement text-to-give programs. Live streaming fundraising events, using donation stickers on Instagram, and leveraging geotags can expand reach. Digital tools also simplify tracking progress, telling the school's story, and involving the wider community in fundraising efforts.

How can schools create a culture of philanthropy among students?

Foster a culture of philanthropy by educating students about the impact of giving, involving them in fundraising planning and execution, and recognizing their efforts. Incorporate philanthropy into the curriculum, organize student-led fundraising initiatives, and showcase the tangible results of their contributions to the school and community.

How can schools work with businesses to raise funds?

Schools can partner with local businesses for sponsorships, matching gift programs, and in-kind donations. Organize restaurant nights where a portion of proceeds benefits the school. Engage businesses in school events or auctions by requesting donated items or services. Create mutually beneficial partnerships that offer businesses community visibility while supporting educational initiatives.

Fundraising for schools: Final points

With all these ways for schools to raise money, you’re sure to get an A for effort—and sure to raise funds for your school community. As with any good class, let’s wrap things up by reviewing what we learned today.

  • Many schools don’t have the budget to purchase necessary supplies and upgrade their technology. That’s where school fundraising comes in—it raises essential funds and builds community.
  • The most effective school fundraising initiatives involve raising money for a specific need, such as new laptops, upgraded playground equipment, or a school trip. Be specific when you share your fundraising goals, both for students and for supporters. Students need to understand why they’re raising money—and why they should strive to meet their fundraising goals. And supporters need to understand why they’re donating to your school.
  • Fundraising volunteers can include students, parents, teachers, staff members, and PTA leaders.
  • Profit margins vary based on the fundraiser. If you choose a fundraiser where you sell products, your school will get a percentage of the profits, so consider fundraisers that allow you to keep 100% of the money you raise.
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