Giving Tuesday is more than just a day of generosity, it's a cellllebraaaation of generosity! So why not throw a party? Or at least an event to acknowledge the ambitious goals that your organization and your supporters are tackling.
Combined with the giving day juice that Giving Tuesday brings, an event is a way to boost donations, engagement, and overall awareness of your nonprofit—just when the busy year-end fundraising season is starting.
You don't need us to tell you how to run an event! (If you need fundraising event ideas, though, we've got 'em in spades!) What you may find helpful is support as you plan, confirmation that you're on the right track, and some inspiration to make your Giving Tuesday event special! Check out the tips below as you hop on the event train to donationsville.
Go virtual or hybrid.
These days, if you're keeping it in-person, you're missing out on a wealth of donors (literally!)
Bring on the nostalgia.
Use an old-school telethon format, but include text as a method of contact. Combining those forces doubles your engagement and ensures you're hooking donors with communications they'll respond to.
Run an all-day event.
Digital events allow you to extend the length of the event so that supporters can dip in and check on your fundraising progress all Giving Tuesday long.
Wait until after Giving Tuesday to hold your event.
Your event doesn't have to be on Giving Tuesday itself; in fact, a post-Giving Tuesday event gives you the opportunity to ramp up the excitement around the total amount raised during your Giving Tuesday campaign.
Engage with your viewers and attendees.
Consider fielding requests for action-based content, playing video games or other sports with your supporters, and showing donors the impact they're funding—all in return for donations.
Use the opportunity to tell your story.
You've got an audience. Don't forget that some of these supporters are new to your cause; draw them in with a compelling story so they'll want to donate again before the end of the year!
Recycle the recorded content for year-round fundraising inspiration.
If the entire event seems too long to put on your website for public viewing, pull the most inspiring, the funniest, the most exciting moments and use them on your site, on socials, and in future communications. Don't forget the outtakes!
Your event will reflect your nonprofit, so think about all the ways that you can make it inclusive, accessible, and a true representation of your org's values. Your supporters will be thrilled to be invited in for a celebration of generosity.
Want more event resources? Ch-ch-check it out!
- Creative fundraising ideas for nonprofit events
- Podcast: How one nonprofit raised $1M in their 2020 gala
- A Nonprofit's Guide to Planning Post-COVID Outdoor Events
- Download Plan, Raise, Engage: 10-Day Event Strategy Course