Fall Fundraising Ideas for Nonprofits + Social Media Copy

Spooky Fall Fundraising Ideas for Your Nonprofit + Copypastable Social Media Copy

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August 15, 2022
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There are two kinds of people in this world: people who love a PSL and those who'd vomit it up, Exorcist-style, if they knew they were drinking something so... basic. But judging by the Halloween Spirit stores open year-round, we're not the only ones who embrace fall in all its spooky, crisp glory.

Whether your donors skew Linda Blair or can't-wait-to-be-scared, they'll all want to cozy up to these mysterious, weird, and surprisingly supernatural spooky Fall fundraising ideas.

Our top fundraising tip: Make a campaign site that corresponds with the holidays below. Funraise's practically magical fundraising website builder takes the hocus pocus out of building fundraising campaign sites, meaning you can direct Harry Potter fans to a birthday donation microsite on Hermione's special day or reward donors with adorable cat pictures on a fundraising site inspired by Global Cat Day.

For more snuggled-up fundraising suggestions, check out our always-growing list of fundraising ideas and our winter fundraising calendar—all free!

Fall Fundraising Ideas

September Fundraising Ideas

International Day of Charity (September 5)

This cause-oriented holiday is a no-brainer. Established in 2013, the United Nations created the holiday to honor the death anniversary of Mother Teresa, one of the most well-known humanitarians and philanthropists in history. Acknowledge the spirit of the holiday and use official hashtag, #CharityDay, to reach a broader audience.

Sample Social Media Copy: Feeling the weight of a world in need this #CharityDay? Just remember Mother Teresa’s simple call to action, "If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one." Give a one-time gift to (Organization Name) today!

National Suicide Prevention Month (September)

Suicide, and the underlying factors that lead to it, affects far more people than we know. The stats around suicide are far more chilling than any scary movie or Halloween-themed party: on average, one person commits suicide every 16.2 minutes. If you've got donors that you know have been affected by suicide, treat them with compassion and assist them in finding resources and organizations that celebrate the loved ones they've lost or the battles they're waging.

To the Neins

And gala season begins! But just like those people who complain about awesome creepy decorations and costumes being put out on July 5, there are always people feeling fussy about walking in their Balenci-ussys—so give the people what they want! Instead of turning up, tell everyone to turn it down. Way down. Make it a pajama party! The ones who want to flaunt their finery will wear silk robes and everyone else can nope out of their Spanx. As for you... we suggest bringing a mask and ear plugs so you can get some beauty rest at the event.

Hermione Granger’s Birthday (September 19)

Hermione Granger, from the hugely popular Harry Potter series, was a social advocate who created her own grassroots campaign for the rights of House Elves called S.P.E.W. (Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare). Wishing her happy birthday is one way to contribute to a global trending topic and gain awareness with an entirely new audience.

Sample Social Media Copy: Happy Birthday, Hermione Granger! We’ve always been inspired by Hermione’s heart for social justice and the impact one person can have on those in need. While you can’t donate to S.P.E.W. today, giving to (Organization Name) would certainly honor her legacy. #HBDHermioneGranger

International Talk Like A Pirate Day (September 19)

It may have started with a couple of friends goofing around during a rigorous game of racquetball, but Talk Like A Pirate Day picked up speed once syndicated columnist Dave Barry got wind of it. The point of the day may be to talk in pirate speak, but embracing the silly and “loot”-filled premise is an easy way to tie in your organization’s cause.

Sample Social Media Copy: They say th' only way t' prove ye`re nay a seafarin' pirate be t' give away some o' yer loot. Give some o’ yer treasure t' our cause an' avoid walkin' th' plank. #TalkLikeAPirateDay

World Tourism Day (September 27)

The United Nations started the holiday in 1980 to remind the world of the global economy and global community that occurs when we travel. Bring attention to your cause by pointing out how your organization fits into the global community, and use hashtag #WorldTourismDay.

Sample Social Media Copy: #WorldTourismDay reminds us there’s a wide world out there, but we’re all connected. Even if you’re not jettin’ somewhere new, your gift to (Organization) shows you’re thinking about the global community today.

October Fundraising Ideas

World Smile Day (First Friday in October)

This holiday began in 1999 in recognition of Harvey Ball, the man who invented the smiley face in the ‘60s. It’s the first Friday of every October and is meant to inspire people to perform acts of kindness and “improve the world, one smile at a time.”

Sample Social Media Copy: Happy #WorldSmileDay! Transforming your donations into the power to change the world puts a smile on our face. Visit (website) to partner with us. Even the smallest gift helps.

Perfect 10

We love a fashion show and we also love costumes—call us kooky, but October seems like the perfect time to mash the two together, right?! This is your opportunity to turn your costume contest, complete with judges and scoring and prizes, into a fundraiser! Set up rounds by theme, individual/couple/family costumes, or brackets to narrow down the field of competitors and either ask for donations to enter... or donations to judge.

Treat Yo’ Self Day (October 13)

NBC’s Parks and Recreation TV show features several episodes focused on a made-up day that characters Donna Meagle (Retta) and Tom Haverford (Aziz Ansari) created as an annual excuse to splurge and pamper themselves. It’s a day of lavish eating, spa luxuriating, and binge shopping. The show has a cult following, but even those who don’t watch can appreciate the message of self-love.

Sample Social Media Copy: We can’t express how much we appreciate and love our donors. In the spirit of #TreatYoSelf Day, make like Tom and Donna and love on YOU today too!

Global Cat Day (October 16)

First started by the Alley Cats Allies to bring awareness to the needs and rights of outdoor cats, Global Cat Day is the purrrfect opportunity to tap into the universal language of animal love and appeal to a broader audience. For off-the-wall topics, don’t try to draw a connection to your organization, but instead, show that your org has heart for more than just its mission statement.

Sample Social Media Copy: #GlobalCatDay is the purrrfect day to appreciate the simple joys of life, which includes our fur babies. Make like a cat today and spread the warmth!

World Internet Day (October 29)

This day is a celebration of the anniversary of the first Internet transmission sent in 1969 between Leonard Kleinrock at UCLA and Charley Kline and Bill Duvall at Stanford. Kleinrock intended to send the word “login” and the “l” and “o” made it before the computers crashed from the effort. As the impact of the Internet can’t be overemphasized, it shouldn’t be hard to expound on the ways it has aided in spreading the message of your organization’s cause, not to mention in fundraising efforts.

Sample Social Media Copy: Because of the Internet, the world is that much smaller, and our responsibility to each other that much greater. At (Organization Name) we’re grateful this #WorldInternetDay for those who’ve helped spread word of our cause, organized for change, and given digital donations.

World Series of Baseball (Starting October)

Do you have a few baseball-obsessed fans in your family? Or maybe the fanatic is you! Starting with the playoffs (which start Oct 7), get your supporters engaged in a bonus baseball bracket. Take donations to join in, and keep your donors updated as the drama unfolds. Send baseball-themed swag to all participants, with the winner taking a prize pack of tickets to local games next season.

National Checklist Day (October 30)

There’s a genuine and universal satisfaction that comes from making a to-do list and checking it off. Even the most unorganized of us can appreciate this technique for feeling accomplished. It might sound a bit silly to celebrate a work tactic, but when you’d like your donors to add "donate to my favorite charity!" to their to-do list, it makes plenty of sense to celebrate.

Sample Social Media Copy: Is anything more satisfying than checking off a to-do list? If giving to (Organization Name) is on your to-do list this #CheckListDay, we’ve made it easier than ever to donate. You're just a few clicks away from giving.

November Fundraising Ideas

Turn it up to 11!

With the giving season ahead and gala season in full swing, sometimes we've just gotta let loose. Put together a series of stress-relief activities that your donor base can get into and encourage them to get that tension out of their system. Yeah, it's your event, but here's what we'd like if we attended: puppy snuggling room, plate-smashing room, screaming-our-lungs-out room, kickboxing room, room full of desserts, tea-and-cozy-chair room, massage room. We'll make the rounds and then start again from the beginning.

Day of the Dead (November 1-2)

It's time to revisit a movie that gives us chills and makes us cry every time: Coco. It's the perfect mix of family-friendly and culturally conscious and sing-along-able and colorful and death-defying and supernatural. Host a screening and dig through the printable, teachable worksheets online to deliver a night of cozy community.

Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day (November 15)

What could be scarier than almost-sentient leftovers growing in your fridge? Literally nothing. While you definitely don't want your supporters donating moldy spaghetti to your nonprofit, this is a great way to spread food waste awareness. Challenge your donors to give a prescribed amount for each food item they throw out—as the costs add up, it'll ensure that they reconsider how much food they toss out.

Soccer Games

Soccer is a sport that's loved all over the world... so it's perfect for a fundraiser! Get your supporters amped up and then randomly break them out into teams—virtually or in-person—and have them compete in a game of strategy: team fantasy soccer. Each team will have to work together to come up with their fantasy team picks for the ultimate in tactical team sporting!

Adopt a Turkey Month (November)

Turkeys are more than just holiday dinner, origin of naps, and delicious leftovers; they're a vital part of native wildlife. Find a turkey rescue or sanctuary near you (there are a surprising number), and reach out to see how your organization can support turkey conservation. In the meantime, take donations for a turkey rescue raffle and send a delicious tofurkey to the winner!

Giving Tuesday (The Tuesday after Thanksgiving)

Just because it's obvious doesn't mean that we're gonna leave it off this list! In fact, let's do the opposite: Say it again, in bigger, bolder text!

Giving Tuesday

Just do it.

No-Shave November

Unlike Movember (which we love), everyone can join in No-Shave November! Although No-Shave November has its own peer-to-peer campaign dedicated to cancer awareness, prevention, research, and education, your organization may be able to host a related event to tie into your cause and show off your before and after photos—just don't forget to shout out the original No-Shave November for those who want to raise money through P2P fundraising.

Some of these are spooky, some are silly, but all of these can be successful when you combine your fundraising proficiency with Funraise's nonprofit know-how.

Mobile phone with donation form and donation charts floating around the phone.Mobile phone with donation form and donation charts floating around the phone.Woman looking at fundraising chart with button to book a call.Yellow shapes in background with donation form in front with stylized text, build an intelligence giving experience.Sparkling star.
Sparkling star.
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Sparkling star.Sparkling stars.
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