11 GIFs Only Nonprofit Fundraisers Will Understand

Pink background with a series of animated pencil-drawn faces on white paper.
January 16, 2019
11 minutes
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Hey, you. Yeah, you. Ever talk to a friend who doesn’t work in the nonprofit world about the woes of your work only to get a blank stare? We've totally been there. Fundraising is tough work and sometimes you just have to be in the industry to get it. Of course, sometimes the best way to deal with the challenges and quirks of fundraising is to laugh (until you cry) about it. Take a break and get your LOL on with these 11 GIFs that perfectly personify what it's like to work as a nonprofit fundraiser.

When a board member comes up with a brilliant idea to do an Ice Bucket Challenge (or any other trendy social media challenge) to meet your fundraising goals.

When you’ve spent hours (and we mean days) updating donor records only to find that a bunch of fields didn't update.

gif of Melissa McCarthy saying, "Am I crying or laughing?"

When you submit a grant application that you’re super stoked about and don't hear back from the foundation until nine months later.

gif of Rachel Dratch dressed as a little girl with the camera zooming in on her expressionless face.

When you finally find the unicorn board member who's excited to fundraise with you.

Will and Grace dancing belly-bump

Meanwhile, at the office, you’re trying to segment your data for a fundraising appeal like . . .

gif of a man at a desk taking off his wrist braces and looking at a handmade fundraising progress sign.

When you find yourself in a meeting and someone suggests your org should look into this “online fundraising thing. . .”

gif of James Harden giving epic post-game side-eye to a reporter

But that magical feeling when your database, payment processor, and email list are finally integrated and working perfectly.

gif of an office full of people throwing off their gray business clothes and dancing in colorful clothes.

And the satisfying feeling of writing all the direct mail and emails for your year-end appeal.

gif of Nusret Gökçe throwing salt

But then your ED reads your appeals and makes some edits... Now you've got $10 words "explaining" your org’s theory of change.

gif of Harry Potter's Ron Weasley looking around confusedly.

TFW you get an unrestricted major gift that you can finally use for capacity building.

gif of the Seinfeld cast dancing in Jerry's kitchen.

And that awesome feeling when you finally get Funraise and you never have to update donor records ever again.

gif of a woman holding a mug with a smiley face on it. The screen closes in on the mug and the words "funraise" and "totally funding awesome" leap onto the screen.

Fellow nonprofiteers, we know your job is full of ups and downs, and some days you’re ready to just hide under the desk and wrap yourself in a Snuggie. But please remember you are doing extraordinary work for an extraordinary cause. If you ask us, that's funding awesome.

Funraise is here to bring out the fabulous fundraiser in you—and maximize your donation dollars. Find out all the ways we can save your time, money, and sanity.

gif of a crowd of colorfully-dressed people in an office, throwing up post-it notes in celebration.
Mobile phone with donation form and donation charts floating around the phone.Mobile phone with donation form and donation charts floating around the phone.Woman looking at fundraising chart with button to book a call.Yellow shapes in background with donation form in front with stylized text, build an intelligence giving experience.Sparkling star.
Sparkling star.
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Sparkling star.Sparkling stars.
Blue shapes.Blue shapes.Blue shapes.
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